So it's the beginning of week FOUR! Wow. I can't believe that exactly 3 weeks ago I had this surgery and that I have lost over 14 pounds already. My true goal is to make it to twenty pounds lost by my 1 month doctor appointment (5/4/11). I have felt generally successful these last few days. I have ventured just a little out of my required diet: I had a meatball at small group the other night. Yes, ONE meatball. It still took me twenty minutes to eat the one meatball but I loved it and in general, I think I did great with it!
So with the loss of these almost 15ish pounds, I have a pair of pants that I love that are only gonna last MAYBE another two weeks. I don't think that I can continue to put them on after that. I did however have an ingenious idea yesterday before Easter with the fam. I pulled out my Bella Ba
nd. Now, any of you that have been pregnant in the last five years know exactly what a Bella Band does for the burgeoning figure of a pregnant woman. You are able to make your "skinny" jeans last a few weeks longer and it smooths out all those unsightly bulges (OK that's why I wore it anyways). It allows you to wear your jeans unbuttoned until you just can't put them on any longer. And they still stay up! SOOO....I pulled out my Bella Band in hopes that it would work in the reverse order also. I have my jeans buttoned, but boy do they sag! So it helped to keep my jeans that aren't gonna make it much longer stay up the entire afternoon. I didn't have to worry about them at all. It was heaven. Now I just need to find my regular Bella Bands instead of my plus sized ones. I can only imagine how much those will help!

Thanks again for everyone that has reached out giving me support. You have no idea how much that means to me. I love hearing from people that I haven't seen for a while and know that you are rooting for me too! Until next time! Have a great day!
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