First of all, I apologize for not getting an update on Molly up sooner. We got to come home on Friday afternoon and things were a little rough getting settled back in at home. It was almost like bringing a newborn home for the first time again. Lots of crying, little sleep, and lots of learning all new techniques. So here's how our weekend progressed...
On Thursday evening, we saw OT again and learned some massage techniques to help soothe Molly and hopefully get her nervous system jump started. She's very touchy and there are so many things that startle her or make her upset. They say it's because her nervous system is so new that we just have to train it to accept these things without freaking out! Friday morning, Dr Wolf arrived and loved what he was seeing. He was definately convinced that we were making progress. We had the formula down, we had the feeding down, and we were already scheduled for out-patient OT to start on Tuesday. OT came in one more time and she was again impressed with what she was seeing. Molly has her own exercises we have to do (i.e. sit-ups and ab crunches...) and she was already showing improvement in her abdomnial strength. So once they left, we were set free!
We came home only to have to master all the new sounds and lights of our house. That made the weekend a little rough. Seth wanted mom and only mom and Molly just cried all weekend. She was fine in the night and slept in her own bed! I couldn't ask for anything more in that department. Now both my babies begin their nocturnal slumber in their own beds. By Sunday evening, my parents had left and my best friend was with me for the evening. It was a rough evening to begin end because Molly was very needy BUT we got through it and actually survived the night!
Molly had her follow-up appointment today and she was up to 8 lbs 3.2 oz (from 7lbs 15.07 oz on Friday @ 2am)!! YAY! We are definately on the right track. She had her first outfit that DIDN'T fit her today, of course it was an "up to 7lbs" onsie but I'll take it! She is doing wonderful. We have fallen back into our "routine" and Seth is having a WONDERFUL Monday night. So all is well as I right this!
To those of you that have offered to bring meals...thank you so much! I would absolutely appreciate that. I can only imagine that Seth is tired of hot dogs and grilled cheese! I never thought I would NEED something like that, but at this point, I really do need my friends and family! Last week, I really felt like my spirit was broken. I really felt like maybe I couldn't do this after all. The weekend came and Molly seemed so unhappy and I just couldn't get to feeling like myself again. But we are turning that corner and things seem to be getting better. Hopefully when First Steps comes in we will make even more progress! Thank you all so much for everything that you have given to us, be it prayers, words of encouragement or meals! I can't thank you enough and tell you how it has helped me to get through this. Now...on to MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL!

Seth really is a happy boy I swear!
Molly dreaming!

I'm 4 weeks old today!! 8lbs 3.2 oz!