So we are super excited about Baby Z (Zorcon Minimus) that's on it's way. I have found a cute site to guess the baby's everything!

Just click to enter a guess! It's cute and who knows how this will end!
So it's been just a little crazy around here. Sandy and Nathan are still with us...their house situation just doesn't seem to get any better or easier. BUT, it will happen! We have had an ultrasound to find out an exact due date for our little one and it was estimated at September 5, 2009! YAY! I am so excited about this yet it's hard because Jeff will be gone at that time. So I have to go through him leaving before we can have the excitement of a new baby. That will be an emotional roller coaster for everyone involved! We had our first real OB appointment today and at 10 weeks and 3-5 days we were able tohear a heartbeat!!!! IT WAS WONDERFUL! I know we didn't hear Seth's until week 15 and I am measuring about 12 weeks so maybe we are further along than we thought? I don't know but it sure is exciting! I had to laugh last night...well most nights I laugh , I have a funny family....but last night was really funny. I was lying on the floor when Seth discovered my belly. Now we all know I have no Jillian Michaels abdomen so he thought it was really funny to smack my belly and, well, ya know watch the waves! :) No really he was seriously interested in what was going on under my sweatshirt and kept yanking it up and pulling it down. Then he would smile. I think he knows there is something going on in my belly though, because he kept smacking that little spot right over my uterus. Too funny. He giggled all night. He has become quite the ham at home and out and about. He tries his darndest to get AND keep everyone's attention. I don't know who he gets that from at all (JEFF) :)
Seth and his new hat, I mean his enviornmently friendly diaper cover!
Oh the purple frog. It dances and sings louder than anything we own...and he LOVES it.
My baby's cheesy grins!