Seth loves Blues Clues so we had a friend from high school make the cakes for him. (Thank you Angie!) Seth had his own muffin sized cake that he was able to rip into!
We actually had TWO parties for Seth because we wanted all of our family and friends to have a chance to celebrate with us. So on Thanksgiving Day we had a small party at Aunt Kelly's. Seth had so much fun and really went to town on his cake. He really liked it and had to have a bath afterwards!
Seth's second party was today and he had just as much fun. He had lots of friends and family with him. He didn't really seem interested in his presents until they were open and all of the sudden there were NEW TOYS to play with. He got some really neat stuff (a roller coaster!) that he had lots of fun with. He really wore himself out today!
So, this year was amazing. I can only hope the next will go as well. We have another MAJOR event coming with Jeff leaving for Afghanistan. That is definately going to change our lives. He returned home from Ft. Hood on Tuesday and we were so happy to have him home. Seth has gone back to saying DADA (which he doesn't say at all when Jeff isn't around) and I have my sleeping partner back! Everything is normal again for a little while!